Save the date: 21st June for the launch of Leeds Omics.
You are invited to the launch of Leeds Omics on Tuesday morning (21st June) at 10.00am.
Please register for this event using the following link:

Dr Julie Aspden, Dr Mary J. O’Connell and Dr Niamh Forde (Founders of Leeds Omics).
Leeds Omics is a cross faculty initiative between the Faculty of Biological Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine and Heath Sciences. The aim is to bring together the critical mass of researchers using the omics technologies across the University of Leeds ( The launch will take place in LIDA on level 11 of the Worsley building on Tuesday the 21st of June at 10.00am. Both John Ladbury (Dean of FBS) and Paul Stewart (Dean of FMH) will be saying a few words to celebrate the launch, and we will give a short overview of the vision for Leeds Omics. Please join us for coffee and cake, and a chance to network with other researchers using or interested in using omics data and technologies here at Leeds.
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If you are a PI and are interested in being a member of Leeds Omics (including having your research profile on the Leeds Omics website) please e-mail a member of the Leeds Omics steering committee ( and we will give you the information that we need.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Niamh, Mary and Julie (Leeds Omics steering committee).