Paternally Expressed Imprinted Genes under Positive Darwinian Selection in Arabidopsis thaliana.

In this paper in MBE we examined the selective pressure variation across genomically imprinted genes in the inbreeding species Arabidopsis thaliana. Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon where autosomal genes display uniparental expression depending on whether they are maternally or paternally inherited. Genomic imprinting can arise from parental conflicts over resource allocation to the offspring, which…

Cover of Structure (Cell Press)

In a recent collaboration with Joe Cockburn et al published in Structure – we reveal the structure of the cargo binding TPR domain of kinesin light chain bound to the cargo molecule JIP3. Along with solving the crystal structure – the biophysical and evolutionary analysis we carried out have revealed the kinesin-1 cargo binding site…

Ann successfully defends her PhD

On the 1st of August Ann had her PhD viva and did a wonderful job of bringing her hard work to life for her panel of examiners. Ann’s PhD was primarily computational, involving sequence similarity network analysis of primate genomes, the identification of gene fusions, and the analysis of their transcription and translation profiles using…