Uncategorized Inadvertent Paralog Inclusion Drives Artifactual Topologies and Timetree Estimates in Phylogenomics May 22, 2019
Uncategorized Return to the sea, get huge, beat cancer: an analysis of cetacean genomes including an assembly for the humpback whale… April 30, 2019
Uncategorized Paternally Expressed Imprinted Genes under Positive Darwinian Selection in Arabidopsis thaliana. March 23, 2019
editorialPublications Heterogeneous Models place the Root of the Placental Mammal Phylogeny. July 18, 2013
Blog A phylogenetic approach to test for evidence of parental conflict or gene duplications associated with protein-encoding imprinted orthologous genes in placental mammals December 15, 2012
Publications Selection and the cell cycle: Positive Darwinian Selection in a well-known DNA damage response pathway December 15, 2012
Blog A role for TLR4 in Clostridium difficile infection and the recognition of surface layer proteins December 15, 2012
BlogPublications Functional consequence of positive selection revealed through rational mutagenesis of human myeloperoxidase December 15, 2012
BlogPublications Arabidopsis thaliana codon volatility scores reflect GC3 composition rather than selective pressure December 15, 2012
BlogPublications Colon Cancer Genes Exhibit Signatures of Positive Selection at Functionally Important Sites December 15, 2012